jsreport blog
Release 4.8.0 and improvements in office recipes
03-02-2025 18:04
jsreport 4.3.0 adds support for big reports
03-22-2024 11:01
jsreport 4.0.0 release
08-30-2023 09:04
HTML embedded in docx
03-05-2023 21:40
Release 3.8.0
09-26-2022 15:04
Single Sign On With Keycloak
08-01-2022 20:00
jsreportonline gets major update with v3
07-26-2022 15:04
New config trustUserCode in 3.6.0
05-25-2022 21:04
Release 3.5.0
05-04-2022 22:43
Stopping windows rendering support in jsreportonline
02-15-2022 08:13
Release 3.2.0
12-20-2021 16:21
jsreport 3.0.0 released
10-26-2021 17:13
jsreport v3 beta released
08-20-2021 21:17
Oracle store
04-16-2021 15:06
Reports in java
09-17-2020 15:06
Pdf in typescript
09-08-2020 10:15
Release 2.10.0
09-07-2020 16:21
Barcode in report
09-02-2020 10:15
Release 2.9.0
07-16-2020 16:25
Release 2.8.0
05-21-2020 13:30
Release 2.7.0
03-04-2020 19:30
Release 2.6.0
09-22-2019 19:30
Release 2.5.0 brings Monaco editor
05-25-2019 13:30
Release 2.4.0 higlights
03-06-2019 15:26
Introducing folders
12-10-2018 13:30
.NET sdk v2
09-28-2018 13:30
jsreportonline v2
09-06-2018 19:30
Debug jsreport in vscode
08-08-2018 11:30
Pdf reports in Electron app
07-09-2018 18:30
jsreport v2 released
05-10-2018 14:32
jsreport v2 beta
03-28-2018 15:20
Merge and concatenate pdfs
01-09-2018 21:50
Version control
12-24-2017 14:32
Simplified licensing
11-15-2017 10:30
Upcoming new features
10-09-2017 21:06
.NET jsreport sdk v2
09-13-2017 10:58
WeasyPrint recipe
08-14-2017 09:35
Fonts in pdf header when using phantomjs
06-21-2017 21:50
Single Sign On Support
04-24-2017 22:00
Undocked previews and scheduling improvements
03-29-2017 19:40
phantomjs pdf watermark
03-21-2017 13:41
Introducing jsreport-cli
03-09-2017 20:25
One file, one executable, whole jsreport
03-09-2017 14:26
About jsreportonline service incident
03-02-2017 14:00
Password protection in pdf reports
01-31-2017 22:20
Organize jsreport objects with tags
01-28-2017 17:10
font awesome icons in reports
01-10-2017 11:42
Template layouts
01-03-2017 18:25
Fonts in pdf
01-03-2017 16:35
Migrating templates
01-03-2017 11:52
Print Chart.js into pdf using phantomjs
11-27-2016 15:13
Release 1.2
11-27-2016 13:26
Release 1.1 solves external files referencing problem
11-03-2016 14:00
jsreportonline 1 preview
10-19-2016 14:14
jsreport for c# reached 1.0
08-03-2016 15:20
jsreport 1.0 is here
06-24-2016 17:30
Start jsreport on boot using pm2
06-07-2016 16:32
jsreport behind nginx on ubuntu
06-07-2016 16:30
Excel reports with charts preview
06-02-2016 15:09
c# integration improvements
05-23-2016 11:56
New playground is live
05-10-2016 17:56
jsreport studio preview
04-28-2016 19:54
Using local scripts and other resources
02-27-2016 16:20
Reusing template helpers
02-27-2016 14:39
Running scripts and helpers in main process
02-18-2016 20:06
Debug extension
02-18-2016 17:59
02-18-2016 16:36
Pdf reports in SQL Server
02-04-2016 15:15
wkhtmltopdf report with page numbers
02-04-2016 11:09
Highlights from jsreport 0.12
01-28-2016 13:54
Using Electron to create pdf reports
01-09-2016 14:09
Multiple scripts in a single template
12-15-2015 18:57
Introducing jsreport-core
12-11-2015 11:25
Every extension has its own repository
12-11-2015 09:48
Storing reports in azure storage
12-04-2015 22:53
Using input data in html page inline javascript
12-04-2015 21:59
Freeze template editing
12-03-2015 21:30
What's new - jade, static resources, pdf triggers and more
10-22-2015 11:03
Windows exe
08-30-2015 15:23
Updated licensing
08-20-2015 16:05
Long reports
08-18-2015 14:05
Performance impacting change in v0.8
07-21-2015 13:53
jsreport toner for node.js
06-10-2015 19:52
Client Application
05-23-2015 19:52
05-22-2015 19:05
Table of contents and clickable links in pdf
05-22-2015 14:00
04-10-2015 17:30
Release 0.3
03-30-2015 16:01
Sending reports periodically in email
01-03-2015 16:32
12-13-2014 16:32
New release and future plans
12-02-2014 10:50
11-07-2014 22:00
11-07-2014 16:50
End user report customizations
11-05-2014 17:40
Securing reporting server
11-05-2014 15:20
Pdf reports from mongodb
09-27-2014 09:18
Reporting service infrastructure and performance
09-26-2014 15:30
Online service pricing
09-26-2014 14:45
Forum and mailing list
09-12-2014 16:56
jsreport and node.js
09-02-2014 21:20
Creating pdf reports from jira
08-24-2014 20:09
Pdf reports in visual studio using jsreport
08-19-2014 18:46
jsreport hosting options on windows
07-23-2014 09:47
Pdf reporting performance
07-16-2014 15:08
Pdf report page numbers
05-11-2014 14:03
jsreport release 0.1.0
05-10-2014 11:01
Converting web page to pdf
05-02-2014 09:05
Pdf report orientation and paper size
04-20-2014 16:58
Charts in pdf reports
04-18-2014 15:09
Pdf reports in c#
04-18-2014 12:53
Pdf report paging and page breaks
04-17-2014 08:16
Report templates in source control
04-04-2014 12:43
Rendering pdf reports in Azure Mobile Services
03-23-2014 15:56
Rendering pdf from Asp.Net MVC views
03-20-2014 20:56
National characters in phantom pdf recipe
03-15-2014 11:22
Welcome to jsreport!
03-14-2014 20:56