Using Electron to create pdf reports

01-09-2016 14:09

I am happy to announce the new kid in the jsreport recipes family. Thanks to Boris Matos Morillo you can now use Electron to print pdf reports from html.

You can find this recipe in the repository jsreport-electron-pdf where you also get installation instructions:

npm install jsreport-electron-pdf npm install electron-prebuilt

jsreport-electron-pdf has pretty much the same concept as the standard phantom-pdf recipe - let's dynamically create html report and then print it into html. The difference is in the technology used for converting html into pdf. The new recipe uses Electron compared to the Phantomjs used in the standard one. I won't compare these two now and I rather encourage you to check what you can get using jsreport-electron-pdf in the playground.

Playground example can be found here
