One file, one executable, whole jsreport

03-09-2017 14:26

I'm very excited to announce that we've just released something I've been dreaming about for the last two years.

We've successfully compiled the whole jsreport including node.js and phantom.js into single executable file.

This now part of the jsreport 1.5 release and you can find the link to it on the download page. This opens new possibilities and mainly simplifies many integration use cases. You don't need npm or even node.js installed, you just add one file to your application and start generating pdf or excel reports.

Powerful utility

The executable can be for example used as powerful stateless pdf rendering utility.


Full server

Or you can configure and run it as full jsreport server with studio. You just need to run two commands

configure executable

When you are done with designing templates, you can keep the server running and call its REST API or CLI. Or you can shut it down and use render command to print defined templates.

jsreport render 

You can find the full documentation for jsreport distributed in the single file executable form here.