Child templates extension

Compose existing templates into complex reports

Example in playground


A complex report can grow in its size and contain many separate sections. Each section logically needs its specific helpers, input data, or even a custom script preparing input data. I this case, you can split complex report template into multiple child templates which can be developed separately and possibly also reused. Such use case is covered by this extension.

However, if you only have static content like styles, scripts, or part of HTML, which you want to reuse in multiple templates, it's better to use assets extension. Assets are simpler to use and bring better performance. Additionaly, in case you want to reuse just html with dynamic templating engines, you should use components extension. The child templates should be used when there is a need to attach a custom script or use existing standalone template in a more complex report.

How to use

Child template rendering can be invoked by calling templating engine helper childTemplate(nameObjectOrPath). The helper call invokes the full rendering of the specified template and fills the output to the place where it was called. The first argument of the helper should be the child template name or its path and the syntax is specific to the particular templating engine which the main template uses.


{{childTemplate "departmentsTemplate"}}
{{childTemplate "/contosoCompany/templates/departments"}}
{{childTemplate "../shared/departments"}}



Note child template needs to produce a text which gets embedded into the parent template during templating engine evaluation. You can't produce binary output like pdf in the child template and expect it gets embedded into the parent. Child templates are typically configured to use html recipe.

Input data

Child template receives data from the current templating engine context by default. In the following handlebars example, the template student input data would be equal to the respective item in the students array.

{{#each students}}
  {{childTemplate "student"}}

The root context is automatically merged to the current one, so you can easily reach it from the child templates as well.

Template attributes

The child template can be also specified using an object. This can be handy when you want to specify a different recipe.

{{childTemplate (myTempate)}}

function myTemplate() {
  return {
    name: "myTemplate",
    recipe: "html"

Wrapping childTemplate helper

To avoid repetitive code, you can wrap the standard helper with your own and add custom logic.

// handlebars
function myChildTemplate(name, opts) {
        // extra data params
    }, {
        // force html recipe
        recipe: 'html'
    }, opts)
{{myChildTemplate  "aTemplateName"  someProp="x"}}

Note you can also completely skip using standard childTemplate helper and invoke rendering of a template from the helper like this.

async function myHelper(name) {
  const jsreport = require('jsreport-proxy')
  const response = await jsreport.render({  
       template: { name },
       data: this
  return response.content.toString()

The v2 {#child } syntax

The original v2 syntax for child templates {#child} is still supported, but using helper calls instead is preferred. See the v2 child templates documenation for details.

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