node.js client

jsreport node.js client is a wrapper around jsreport api allowing to connect to a remote jsreport server, render pdf reports and operate on the entities. It supports both local on-premise jsreport server as well as jsreport online SaaS.


npm install jsreport-client


jsreport-client package returns function with parameters url, username and password where only server url is mandatory. Function returns Client object representing facade to remote jsreport server running on specified url.

const client = require("jsreport-client")("http://myserver:5488", "admin", "mypassword")

Rendering reports

Client instance contains render method that triggers remote report rendering process and returns a promise. Render parameter is a request object that is posted to the jsreport server. It needs to contain a template property representing a reference to the existing jsreport template using shortid or raw definition of the template. Row definition typically defines content, helpers, recipe and engine property. Second but optional property of request is data representing report input data. See API documentation for details.

const client = require('jsreport-client')('http://localhost:5488')

async function render () {
  const res = await client.render({
    template: {
      content: 'hello {{someText}}',
      recipe: 'html',
      engine: 'handlebars'
    data: { someText: 'world!!' }

  const bodyBuffer = await res.body()


Chaining response stream

Object returned in callback of render method is a report stream and can be piped to the file or also directly to the express response. Response already contains all the proper headers and can by directly opened in the browser.

app.get('/report', (req, res, next) => {
    template: { content: 'Hello World', recipe: 'chrome-pdf', engine: 'none' }
  }).then((response) => response.pipe(res))

Handling request timeout

Optionally you can pass second parameter to the render function containing additional options of the made http request. These options are passed to the request module making actual rest call. Most likely you should be interested in the timeout property:

    template: {...}
}, { timeout: 5000 })

jsreport version