jsreport provides plain HTTP rest based API for rendering and CRUD
jsreport API can be split into the two main use cases:
The following two sections are describing these main use cases in detail.
The jsreport studio uses the same API exposed to you. In case you are missing something in the documentation you can open F12 browser tools and see what is happening in the network tab.
Invoking report rendering process is the most commonly used API method. The next snippet shows the service endpoint url as well as the body schema. Options and data fields are optional.
: Content-Type: application/json
{ "template": { "name" : "my template" }, "data" : { ... }, "options": { "reports": { "save": true } } }
In the most typical case, you just need to specify template name (or shortid) and input data. The template name property needs to be unique template name. In the case you use multiple folders it's recommended to pass full path instead of the name. For example
"template": { "name": "/myfolder/mytemplate" }"
"data": {}
You may want to override just some attributes of the template. This is easy because all the request attributes are merged into the stored template before evaluation. If you want to for example just change the template recipe to html
you can do it with the following request body.
"template": {
"name": "myTemplate",
"recipe": "html"
"data" : { ... },
The template doesn't necessarily need to be stored inside jsreport templates store and it can be fully defined in the request body. In this case, you need to specify at least required attributes recipe
, engine
and content
. The following snippet shows how to define such a request body.
"template": {
"content" : "Hello world {{name}}",
"recipe": "chrome-pdf",
"engine": "handlebars",
"chrome": {
"landscape": true
"data" : { ... },
The valid template properties can be found in the following ways:
You can change the Content-Disposition
response header thus the file name browser displays during download using the request property options[reportName]
"template": { ... },
"options": { "reportName": "myreport" }
The file extension adds jsreport depending on the content type of the report being generated. For example chrome-pdf
produces "myreport.pdf" in this case.
In case you want full control over this response header you can specify options['Content-Disposition']
in the request body and override the defaults.
The rendering timeout specified in the configuration reportTimeout
can be overridden in the API call. This possibility needs to be opted in using configuration enableRequestReportTimeout=true
. Then use options.timeout
in the request body.
"template": { ... },
"options": { "timeout": 30000 }
Querying and CRUD API in jsreport is based on OData protocol. You can use it to query or CRUD programmatically any entity that jsreport server contains. The Odata defines some basic standards jsreport follows, here are some examples of the most common calls.
Get all entity types
Get list of templates' names
Get a script with specific name
http://jsreport-host/odata/scripts?$filter=name eq 'myscript'
Get an assets in a specific folder
http://jsreport-host/odata/assets?$filter=folder/shortid eq 'abc'
Create a template
: http://jsreport-host/odata/templates
: Content-Type: application/json
{ "name":"demo", "recipe":"chrome-pdf", "engine":"handlebars", "content":"<h1>sample content</h1>" }
Read a template by id
Update template property
: http://jsreport-host/odata/templates(WOIzhZdfjj7rRRO2)
: Content-Type: application/json
send the properties that you want to change{ "content": "updated content" }
Delete a template
: http://jsreport-host/odata/templates(UCV8p6iVIzR6pEz8)
Folders are entities just like templates and you can use the same odata calls for them.
You can for example list all folders using
Get templates in specific folder
http://jsreport-host/odata/templates?$filter=folder/shortid eq 'foo'
Get templates in the root folder
http://jsreport-host/odata/templates?$filter=folder eq null
Create a template in specific folder
http://jsreport-host/odata/templates{ "name": "template name", "engine": "none", "recipe": "html", "folder": { "shortid": "foldershortid" } }
When jsreport server has authentication extension enabled or when using jsreportonline you need to add authentication header to all API requests. The header is based on basic http authentication so you should be able to authenticate easily from any platform.
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
Where the hash is based on username and password:base64(username:password)
Check authentication extension docs for more details about different authentication options
There is public endpoint http://jsreport-host/api/ping which you can use to check if the jsreport is running. This endpoint isn't behind the authentication so you can use it from your loadbalancer or docker heathcheck.