.NET jsreport sdk

Pdf or Excel reporting using jsreport right from .NET

jsreport nugets embeds the jsreport binary and provide convenient c# API on the top of it. This allows to run jsreport directly from the .NET projects without other dependencies or external servers required. This gives you the power to do pretty much everything jsreport supports in very convenient way.

Video: .NET jsreport sdk introduction


Sources and release notes

The whole jsreport sdk for .NET is open sourced on github. We welcome every contribution.

The sources as well as release notes can be found in the sdk home repository: jsreport/jsreport-dotnet


All of the .NET packages and repositories are free and MIT licensed and you are welcome to contribute. See the home repository for further details. Note that the jsreport binary itself is also free but with limitation to 5 stored templates. You are also free to go if you don't store templates inside jsreport and generate html using razor for example.

jsreport version