Static Pdf

Recipe which loads pdf from static source



npm i jsreport-assets
npm i jsreport-static-pdf


This recipe lets you use an static PDF as the output result of a render execution. It is useful when you have an existing PDF file and you just want to modify or add content to it using pdf-utils, or maybe add a signature or password protection to it, in this case you can create an asset with a PDF file as its content, then you can create a template using the static-pdf recipe and add a reference to the pdf asset using the static pdf options, finally when you render this template the result will be the referenced pdf asset.


POST http://jsreportserver:5488/api/report

  "template": {
    "name": "my template",
    "staticPdf": {
      "pdfAssetShortid": "<asset shortid here>"

You may want to avoid storing your static PDF file inside jsreport store. In this case, you can send the encoded PDF inline in your rendering request.

POST http://jsreportserver:5488/api/report

  "template": {
    "name": "my template",
    "staticPdf": {
      "pdfAsset": {
        "content": "<base64 PDF>",
        "encoding" "base64"

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