
Recipe using docxtemplater to generate docx reports


npm install jsreport-docxtemplater


  1. Prepare docx template with markup described in the docxtemplater documentation
  2. Upload docx template
  3. Prepare input data - use sample data or custom script
  4. Create new template and switch recipe to the docxtemplater
  5. Associate template asset and input data
  6. Keep template content empty, it won't be used
  7. Run template


Preview in studio

See general documentation for office preview in studio here.


  "template": {
    "recipe": "docxtemplater",
    "engine": "handlebars",
    "docxtemplater": {
       "templateAssetShortid": "xxxx"
  "data": {}

In case you don't have the office template stored as an asset you can send it directly in the API call.

  "template": {
    "recipe": "docxtemplater",
    "engine": "handlebars",
    "docxtemplater": {
       "templateAsset": {
          "content": "base64 encoded word file",
          "encoding": "base64"
  "data": {}

jsreport version