Browser client

Standalone distributable jsreport browser sdk


You can use npm

npm install jsreport-browser-client-dist

Or download jsreport.js from the release page

The script itself should be compatible with webpack, requirejs and other script bundlers.


Rendering using ajax calls

//add custom headers to ajax calls (renderAsync)
jsreport.headers['Authorization'] = "Basic " + btoa("admin:password")

//render through AJAX request and return promise with array buffer response
jsreport.renderAsync(request).then(function(res) {

  //open in new window

  //get the content as string

  //open download dialog'test.pdf')

  // get headers


You can find more details about the request argument in the jsreport-core repository.

Rendering based on submitting hidden form

This method has several limitations and it is recommended to use previousrenderAsync if it is possible.

  • it can send only small amount of the input data
  • doesn't support sending headers and it won't work with jsreport server with enabled authentication
  • the boolen values in the input data are serialized as strings
jsreport.serverUrl = 'http://localhost:3000';

var request = {
  template: {
    content: 'foo', engine: 'none', recipe: 'chrome-pdf'

//display report in the new tab
jsreport.render('_blank', request);

//display report in placeholder with id reportPlaceholder
jsreport.render('reportPlaceholder', request);

//display report in placeholder element
jsreport.render(document.getElementById('reportPlaceholder'), request);

//open download dialog for report'myReport.pdf', request);

Large report file

when using renderAsync, if the generated report is big (>=3MB) and when res.toDataURI() is used, it will generate a big data uri which browsers can't use normally to open and preview the report file (in or when loading an iframe). the solution for this is to use res.toObjectURL() to create an object url which does not have the limitations of a data uri, then you can use the generated url in or to load an iframe iframe.src = res.toObjectURL() and preview the report file normally. another method available is res.toBlob() which returns a blob object which you can use if you need to process the file somehow or in a custom way.

As the object url docs explains, remember that when using object urls you must release these objects when you don't need it anymore, which can be done using URL.revokeObjectURL method. an example of releasing an object url can be found here. in chrome

The latest chrome currently throws error "Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL" for call with pdf. This change is documented here. The current workaround is to embed an iframe to the new tab:

jsreport.renderAsync(request).then(function(res) {                        
    var html = '<html>' +
            '<style>html,body {padding:0;margin:0;} iframe {width:100%;height:100%;border:0}</style>' +
            '<body>' +                                
            '<iframe type="application/pdf" src="' +  res.toDataURI() + '"></iframe>' +
    var a ="about:blank", "Report")

jsreport version