Blob storages

jsreport supports persisting big blobs like output reports or profiles through an abstraction called Blob storage. The main reason for an extra abstraction is that often it's needed to persist big and high volume data outside the main templates store. However, the most common is to persist the blobs in the same location. Like in the following config:

    "store": { 
        "provider": "mongodb"
    "blobStorage": {
        "provider": "mongodb"

Every templates store driver also includes a blob storage provider and typically the blob storage provider is the same as the store provider. The exception is the blob storage driver for aws s3 and azure storage. Both need extra installation but can be reasonable when for example SQL based store has limited space and there is expected very high consumption for stored output reports.


The default blob persisting to the file system uses just this configuration.

"blobStorage": {
    "provider": "fs"

The default blobs location on the file system is data/storage directory. This can be changed using blobStorage.dataDirectory configuration.

"blobStorage": {
    "provider": "fs",
    "dataDirectory": "myblobslocation"

The custom blob storage implementation typically needs more options passed through standard extensions configuration. Like in case of aws s3 storage,

"blobStorage": {  
    "provider": "aws-s3-storage"
"extensions": {
    "aws-s3-storage": {
        "accessKeyId": "...",
        "secretAccessKey": "...",
        "bucket": "...",  

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